Assistance architecture and health: discussion on concepts and actors.



  • Cybelle S. Miranda
  • Marcia R. Monteiro


Inscribed in the body of research on the health architecture, the de nition of conceptions of architecture, ful lling the role of ‘aid’ proposed under the sign of charity, philanthropy and service, is at the heart of this paper. It’s proposed to highlight the architectural design, considering the intertwining of these two elds of knowl- edge: architecture and health, the historical trajectory of hospitals, either in physical and functional aspects, aesthetic, medical and scienti c, technological, geographical, socio-cultural, political or economic. We should also understand the Assistance Architecture in the context of its funders and designers, be they monarchs, architects, doctors, patrons, philanthropists and institutions, ac- centuating the transits between Brazil and Portugal in the nine- teenth and twentieth centuries and dialogue with researchers from other territorial domains. This paper, which presents the results of IV ENANPARQ Session, is part of the Research Group “Health and City: architecture, urbanism and cultural heritage”, registered in the National Research Council - CNPq (Brazil), gathering re- searchers from the Federal University of Para? and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and aims to continue the Internation- al Colloquium Luso-Brazilian of Assistance Architecture from the Modern Age to the contemporaneity: spaces, functions and actors, held in November 2015 in Lisbon, integrating in this session the Federal University of Alagoas. As part of the research conducted by this group, research on health architecture were extended, gain- ing new contours with the inter-institutional dialogue in Brazil and Overseas, covering the health care of the population of general and their speci cities as the institutionalization of assistance to workers’ health, always based on the materiality oh Architecture, in which aesthetic and technical aspects are added to the sociocul- tural demands. 


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MIRANDA, C. S.; MONTEIRO, M. R. Assistance architecture and health: discussion on concepts and actors. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 3, 2017. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2017.v2.180. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 fev. 2025.