Dr Vicissitudes of disciplinary freedom: contributions to a critical discussion on the teaching of architectural design

Keywords: ensino, projeto, escola, pesquisa teaching, project, school, search enseñando, proyecto, colegio, buscar


This paper addresses the issue of design teaching in the light of its disciplinary freedom frameworks. The discussion takes as a case study the teaching practiced at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, building a critique of the programmatic tradition inherited from functionalism that this school helped to spread in Brazil. To raise this critique, the text refers to a series of international examples that have been associating research with studio teaching, thus pointing to a new and promising form of disciplinary freedom.


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How to Cite
LASSANCE, G. Dr Vicissitudes of disciplinary freedom: contributions to a critical discussion on the teaching of architectural design. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 11, 2021. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2021.v6.242. Disponível em: https://thesis.anparq.org.br/revista-thesis/article/view/242. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.

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